Monus Absurdum


Hello Again


 8/18/2024: Major visual changes???? what the heck... Trying this new blue background out, and i hope that it works. Also am going to add a "notes" section of the site, which will... Well, I don't know what it'll be used for, but hopefully it's something good.

7/6/2024: started adding new stuff to the links page (also updated one that was outdated. Attempted to adjust the style of the site.) Also I've made some slight visual changes over the past year or so that I forgot to tell you about, but that's okay I think.

8/8/2023: Oh man, so this site has been a little bit, um, stagnant, I guess. I just kind of forgot that this existed, aside from making a couple of occasional tweaks here and there (i.e. grammar, colors, etc...) Should this site still exist? I'd say, so far, yes, but just thinking about this really put in perspective what a commitment this is/how long I focus on something before I abandon it... So y'know what? Let's try this again a little bit more.

3/27/2023: adding some sort of site update list, might not be a good idea (I don't know how to work this!!!). Also trying to add a projects page, and add some images, but I'lll revisit after a while. I'll get myself some dinner, then.

3/12/2023: Hello, World! After working on this in secret for quite some time, I guess this is the day the site went live (if it ever has). Definitely more to come over here. Idk, I'm kinda nervous though, might delete later... In the meantime, is this working???

SIDENOTE: Please forgive all of the nonexistent links and nonsense and stuff around here. This page is a constant work in progress, and may destroy itself in the future.

spinning earth globe